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In honor of our Grand/Granny midwives who paved the way for birth communities today, Granny’s Birth Initiative seeks to provide support for disenfranchised birthing families.
We aspire to provide support to all families in need during the birth process. However, our primary focus is on homeless or incarcerated girls/women, as well as those in foster care or transitioning out of these systems. Doula and breastfeeding support, childbirth education, legal assistance, and other resources are essential components of our efforts to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, especially in Black and other marginalized communities.
Sponsor Us
Community Sponsorship Opportunity
Birth KY Better:
$100 & up
(Grassroots Organization)
Mamas Matter:
$250 & up
(Community Organizations)
Granny’s Givers:
$500 & up
(Corporate Organizations)
Support Granny’s Birth Initiative
Monetary Donations:
Cash App
Paypal Donations
GoFund Me Donations
Make checks out to Granny’s
Birth Initiative and mail to:
801 Barret Ave Suite 301
Louisville, KY 40204
A special thank you!